Grand Lodge of Utah Past Grand Masters
Listed are the Past Grand Masters that served this jurisdiction since the institution of our Grand Lodge in 1872. This list and the associated biographies are the result of hundreds of hours of work by our dedicated Worshipful Brother Aaron E. Saathoff of Wasatch Lodge #1. He spent countless hours scanning and re-typing the biographies from the printed annual proceeding, making them available to Grand Lodge and the Internet Committee.
Lodge number(s) follow name (* denotes deceased)
2024 | David B. Tingey | (11)
2023 | Travis M. McGuire | (19)
2022 | Jason L. Allred | (1)
2021 | Daniel J. Lawes | (19)
2020 | Clay G. Hamblen | (6)(23)
2019 | Jeffery E. Hamilton | (16)(4)
2018 | Lorenzo E. Tibbitts | (19)
2017 | Robert M. Wolfarth | (1)(3)
2016 | R. Wesley Ing | (13)(30)
2015 | Gerald J Everett | (5)(29)
2014 | Drew C. Sanders | (1)
2013 | Allen W. Record | (17)(19)
2012 | Frank C. Baker | (32)
2011 | John C. Liley, Jr. | (1)(9)
2010 | Robert K. Chapman | (13)(19)
2009 | Loyd E. Davis | (31)
2008 | Glen A. Cook, Sr. | (17)(9)
2007 | Dean D. Rein | (32)(33)(35)
2006 | James D. Woodward | (1)
2005 | Ridgely H. Gilmour | (2)(16)(30)
2004 | Steven D. Lancaster | (6)(23)(29)
2003 | Robert K. McKenzie | (31)
2002 | William A. Powell | (18)(33)*
2001 | Peter N. Doelfs | (5)(29)
2000 | G. Keith Odendahl | (32)
1999 | Jeff A. Chretien | (7)
1998 | David W. Barron | (18)
1997 | David H. Nelson | (13)(33)*
1996 | Bruce R. Betts | (22)*
1995 | James L. Murphy | (6)*
1994 | John L. Elwell, Jr. | (5)*
1993 | Larry Fairclough | (17)(33)
1992 | James D. Wadley | (32)
1991 | J.C. McLaughlin | (23)*
1990 | Andrew T. Hereim | (25) *
1989 | Lynn J. Brady | (9)*
1988 | James A. “Bud” McIntire | (22)*
1987 | Duane C. Carpenter | (18)*
1986 | Jesse R. Barnes | (17)*
1985 | Moffet E. Felkner (1)*
1984 | W. Thuren Odendahl | (26)*
1983 | Curtis N. Lancaster | (23)*
1982 | Bill F. Baker | (26)(32)*
1981 | Leroy S. Axland | (22)*
1980 | Frank R. Begley | (13)*
1979 | Jack H. Thomas | (18)*
1978 | Richard Lottridge | (2)*
1977 | Murray G. Stowe | (17)*
1976 | C. Earl Prisk | (25)*
1975 | Patrick H. Fenton | (12)*
1974 | F. Gerald Irvine | (1)*
1973 | H. Scott Hammill | (22)*
1972 | Rulon E. Jones | (4)*
1971 | Aaron Hey | (4)*
1970 | Hugh E. Riley | (24)*
1969 | Blaine M. Simons | (2)*
1968 | Harvey L. Riggle | (20)*
1967 | Francis W. Douglas | (3)*
1966 | Howard E. Dorst | (12)(25)(21)*
1965 | Herman O. Fetscher | (6)*
1964 | John L. Journay | (11)*
1963 | Elmer A. Vail, Jr. | (3)*
1962 | Glenn V. Culp| (22)*
1961 | Robert L. Marimon| (20)*
1960 | J. Parker Coombs | (6)*
1959 | C. Leander Prisk | (25)*
1958 | William E. Cushing | (3)*
1957 | Calvin A. Behle | (2)*
1956 | Henry H. Hammill | (22)*
1955 | Roy W. Robinson | (26)*
1954 | Elliott W. Evans | (13)*
1953 | Ferinand Erickson | (12)*
1952 | John E. Clark | (1)*
1951 | William A. Carter | (3)*
1950 | John Stark | (15)(24)*
1949 | Newell B. Dayton | (2)*
1948 | Ortis C. Skaife | (22)*
1947 | Harold Cline | (14)*
1946 | Lincoln G. Kelly | (17)*
1945 | John F. Rowe | (9)*
1944 | Eric A. Bjorklund | (3)*
1943 | Stuart P. Dobbs | (6)*
1941-1942 | Harold A. Linke | (19)*
1940 | Thorwald J. Nelson | (25)*
1939 | William Littlejohn | (16)*
1938 | Harold R. Waldo | (17)*
1937 | Joseph G. Titley | (18)*
1936 | Christian H. Fischer | (1)*
1935 | Dee D. Stockman | (17)*
1934 | J. William Stoner | (7)*
1933 | Norman R. Vote | (1)(22)*
1932 | Howard Pendleton Kirtley | (2)*
1931 | Burt H. Hunt | (17, 25)*
1930 | Charles F. Barrett | (6)(17)*
1929 | Arthur E. Smith | (2)*
1928 | Alexander E. Eberhardt | (1)*
1927 | Dana T. Smith | (2)(25)*
1926 | Fred M. Nye | (6)(18)*
1925 | Benjamin D. Howell | (17)*
1924 | James W. Collins | (2)*
1923 | Leroy A. McGee | (1)(17)*
1922 | Emery R. Gibson | (10)(3)*
1921 | John E. Carver | (6)*
1920 | James L. Cattron | (1)(17)*
1919 | Arthur C. Wherry | (1)*
1918 | Herbert R. Macmillan | (6)*
1917 | Charles F. Jennings | (2)*
1916 | Charles C. Griggs | (9)(4)*
1915 | William J. Shealy | (6)*
1914 | James W. Cherry | (10)*
1913 | George H. Dern | (1)*
1912 | Sam H. Goodwin | (4)(2)*
1911 | Gilbert B. Pfoutz | (2)*
1910 | Charles B. Jack | (1)*
1909 | Frederick C. Schramm | (6)*
1908 | James H. Brown | (2)*
1907 | William J. Barrette | (1)*
1906 | Sidnet W. Badcon | (6)*
1905 | Charles S. Varian | (3)*
1904 | Richard L. Conely | (2)(11)*
1903 | Walter Scott | (7)*
1902 | William J. Lynch | (1)(2)*
1901 | Charles W. Morse | (1)*
1900 | George V. Schramm | (6)*
1899 | James D. Murdoch | (7)*
1898 | John F. Hardie | (6)(2)*
1897 | Abram D. Gash | (4)*
1896 | William T. Dalby | (3)*
1895 | Alvin C. Emerson | (6)*
1894 | Arvis S. Chapman | (2)*
1893 | Albion B. Emery | (1)*
1892 | Newton W. Shilling | (6)*
1891 | William G. Van Horne | (2)*
1890 | Arthur M. Grant | (7)(3)*
1889 | Abbot R. Heywood | (6)*
1888 | Samuel Paul | (4)(1)*
1885-1887 | Parley L. Williams | (2)*
1884 | James Lowe | (1)*
1883 | Philip H. Emmerson | (4)*
1882 | William F. James | (2)*
1881 | Philip H. Emmerson | (4)*
1880 | Frank Tilford | (1)(3)*
1879 | Thomes E. Clohecy | (1)*
1878 | John S. Scott | (169)(3)*
1877 | Joseph M. Orr | (135)(8)*
1876 | Edmund P. Johnson | (77)(5)*
1875 | Charles W. Bennett | (18)(1)*
1874 | Louis Cohn | (86)(2)*
1873 | Reuben H. Robertson | (1)*
1872 | Obed F. Strickland |* (1)*